Category: Workers Compensation Q & A and News

No. Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation law requires you to attend an Independent Medical Examination ( actual name: employers or defense medical examination) if requested at a “reasonable time and place.” The “rule of thumb” is once every six months and not more than 45 minute drive but this is up to each…

All litigated Pennsylvania workers’ compensation cases require mediation unless it is futile. The term futile can be interpreted in different ways by different Pennsylvania workers’ compensation judges. Some judges force all cases to go to mediation while other judges require mediation only if it has a chance of reaching a…

Injured worker XD was employed by Comcast Corporation for over 20 years as a maintenance technician in Pennsylvania. This position required the injured worker to utilize ladders, bucket trucks or pole steps, along with heavy lifting, consistent standing, putting weight on his knees, and kneeling. Due to the repetitive nature…

The Art of War is one of the most successful books on military strategy in the world. It was written in China 2500 years ago by a man named Sun Tzu. It has influenced eastern military thinking, as well as the strategies of Napoleon, McArthur, and Operation Desert Storm. A…