Work Injury Attorneys in Harrisburg, PA

work injury claim form on a table with a gavel

Were you or a loved one injured on the job? If so, you might be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. As you get back on your feet, workers’ compensation can pay your medical expenses and a percentage of your wages.

Calhoon and Kaminsky P.C. are here to help you get the workers’ compensation benefits you’re owed. We handle workers’ compensation claims for a wide variety of workplace injuries. Our top Harrisburg work injury attorneys are here to help, whether you were hurt in a work-related car accident or a warehouse fall. We’ve helped injured workers across Pennsylvania recover more than $221 million for their workplace injuries. Our goal is to get you on the road to recovery.

Don’t wait to stand up for your rights. Get the compensation you deserve for your workplace injury. Call Calhoon and Kaminsky P.C., today to schedule your free consultation. Our experienced Harrisburg workers’ compensation attorneys will not stop until we get you the best possible outcome. We won’t even charge you a dime unless we help you recover compensation.

Call the experienced Harrisburg workers’ compensation lawyers at Calhoon and Kaminsky P.C., or contact us online today.

Most Common Work Injuries in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania employees work in a wide variety of environments, each with its own level of risk. No matter how safe your workplace might seem, it’s possible to suffer a work injury. Common work injuries in Pennsylvania include:

  • Burn Injuries – Any type of worker can suffer from a burn injury – not just firefighters. Employees might get burns from active fires or sparks in a factory to toxic chemicals on a worksite or hot equipment surfaces. Burns can affect the skin, the eyes, or internal areas. The nose can be burned when irritants are inhaled. Even muscles and bones can be harmed by severe burns.
  • Knee Injuries – Knee injuries can result from a variety of workplace activities, such as heavy lifting, slip-and-fall accidents, or even motor vehicle crashes. Those injuries may involve torn ligaments, muscle strain, cartilage fractures, or broken kneecaps.
  • Back Injuries – Overextension of the back can lead to common work-related injuries, including torn tendons, muscles, or ligaments. Other significant work-related back injuries include spinal cord damage and paralysis. Examples of work-related accidents that might cause these injuries to include motor vehicle collisions, workplace violence, machinery accidents, or falls.
  • Neck Injuries – Motor vehicle crashes often cause whiplash – one of the most common neck injuries. Whiplash can cause neck pain, dizziness, headaches, blurred vision, and amnesia. It can also lead to chronic issues such as tinnitus, spinal fracture, vertigo, and anxiety.
  • Shoulder Injuries – Workers who lift heavy objects are particularly susceptible to shoulder injuries. They may involve joint dislocations and rotator cuff injuries. Other employees are prone to shoulder injuries as well. For example, employees who are at a non-ergonomic desk all day may suffer from shoulder strain and back injuries.
  • Fall Injuries – Workers who fall from tall surfaces, such as a scaffold, a ladder, a platform, or a roof may suffer life-threatening injuries. Serious injuries include traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord fractures, concussions, or internal organ damage. Even falls on lower surfaces might cause significant injuries. A worker who slips on a wet surface can fall and hurt the back, arm, or head. Falling objects can cause serious injuries as well.
  • Strains and Sprains – Employees with these types of injuries can usually get treatment and experience a full recovery. However, a soft tissue injury can cause chronic issues as well, including a strained muscle or tendon or a sprained ligament. Sometimes minor sprains and strains do resolve themselves without treatment, but others can lead to permanent and costly complications like tendinitis or hernias.
  • Repetitive Stress – Repetitive motions, such as working at a computer, hammering, or working in an assembly line can lead to repetitive motion injuries. Some of these injuries are temporary. Others lead to permanent injuries to nerves, muscles, and tendons that might cause chronic neck, wrist, shoulder, and arm pain or carpal tunnel syndrome.

How a Pennsylvania Work Injury Attorney Can Help You

If you’re suffering from a work-related injury, an experienced work injury lawyer can help you fight for the compensation you need to recover and get back to work. A skilled Harrisburg workers’ comp attorney can review your case, determine the benefits that you are entitled to, and help you understand your legal options. A Pennsylvania workers’ compensation lawyer can handle the details of your claim. That gives you time to recover from your injury or illness while we fight with the employers’ insurance company.

A PA work injury lawyer can fill out any necessary paperwork for your personal injury claim and gather evidence to prove the severity and cause of your injuries. An attorney can file your claims on time and negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf. Also, a Harrisburg personal injury lawyer can help you get fair compensation and fight for your legal rights in court, if necessary.

Talk to an experienced Work Injury Attorney in Harrisburg, PA Now

Call the law firm of Calhoon and Kaminsky P.C., today. Let our knowledgeable Harrisburg work injury attorneys fight your workers’ compensation claim. With decades of experience, we have the skills and resources to help you seek the best possible outcome. Contact us by phone or online to schedule your free initial consultation.