Can I Get a New Job While on Workers’ Comp?

Workers' Compensation Form

Workers’ compensation benefits can pay for your medical bills and a portion of your lost wages while you heal from a job injury or illness. But can you change jobs while you’re on workers’ comp? The answer isn’t always clear.

Keeping your benefits for as long as possible is ideal. Keep reading to learn more from the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation lawyers at Calhoon & Kaminsky P.C.

Changing Jobs and Your Workers’ Compensation Benefits

You can change jobs while receiving worker’s comp benefits. Certain benefits will carry over until you fully heal or reach maximum medical improvement (MMI). However, you may not necessarily keep all of your benefits if you get another job. If you have questions about how your benefits will be affected by changing jobs while on workers’ comp in Pennsylvania, talk to a lawyer right away.

What Happens to My Workers’ Comp Benefits If I Change Jobs?

Some workers’ compensation benefits transfer to a new job. These include your medical benefits, which your former employer pays until your injuries heal or your doctor says you recovered as much as possible. If you’re receiving disability benefits, these will also continue if you change jobs.

Wage-replacement benefits are different. These may not necessarily continue once you get a new job. Your eligibility for continued wage-replacement benefits will depend on how much you make at your new job compared to your old job. If your new job pays less than your former job, you might be eligible for a partial wage-replacement benefit. A workers’ compensation attorney can analyze your situation to ensure that you continue receiving the benefits you are owed.

Is Switching Jobs a Good Idea While on Workers’ Comp Benefits?

In general, it’s better to stay off work until you fully heal. However, there are some compelling reasons you may consider returning to a job while still drawing your workers’ compensation benefits, such as:

  • Wanting to advance your career
  • Needing to provide for your family
  • Wanting to stay busy and active
  • Wanting a job that’s less physically demanding or dangerous
  • Wanting employment that offers a better work-life balance
  • Wanting a more fulfilling job

Whatever your reason for considering changing jobs while receiving workers’ compensation benefits, you’ll need to consider the switch and how it affects your financial situation.

Contact Our Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Today for a Free Consultation

At Calhoon & Kaminsky P.C., we focus exclusively on workers’ compensation cases to ensure injured Pennsylvanians get the benefits they deserve. We have more than 20 years of experience with workers’ compensation claims and a strong track record of success. To learn more about our services, call or contact us today for a free initial consultation with a Harrisburg workers’ compensation attorney.