What is an “Independent Medical Evaluation”?

Under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act, the employer/insurance company is entitled to have the injured worker examined by an I.M.E. doctor of their choosing every six months at a reasonable time and place. The doctor’s fees and your travel expenses are paid by the workers’ compensation insurance company. As part of the exam, the I.M.E. doctor will review your medical records.

A medical history will be taken by the doctor or his nurse/assistant, followed by a brief exam. The defense hired doctor can recommend testing or procedures that are necessary, involve no more than a minimal risk, and are not unreasonably intrusive. You can request to have a friend or relative accompany you. You cannot record or videotape the exam without the consent of the doctor. Keep in mind that if you do not attend an IME, the insurance company can file a petition to stop your benefits until you do attend. There are certain things you should and should not do during this examination (link: https://www.pa-workers-comp-lawyers.com/tip-of-the-day-what-to-do-for-an-ime-surveillance-and-social-media-sites) The workers’ compensation insurance carrier must pay travel expenses, including mileage at the rate of $0.55 per mile, for you to attend the IME.

If you have questions regarding your workers’ compensation benefits, it is important that you have an experienced Harrisburg workers’ compensation attorney on your side. Call Calhoon and Kaminsky P.C., at 877-291-9675, for more information.